Bullpen Tutoring believes in developing the whole student—one who knows how to learn and is able to identify and achieve their own individual academic success. Paul Casey has taught and tutored for over a decade, encouraging his students to develop their critical thinking, analysis, and articulation skills—skills that will take them beyond rote memorization and prepare them for the myriad learning opportunities they will be faced with in life, long past the time when they will be concerned with letter grades.
In addition to helping your child succeed at the next test or final paper, Bullpen Tutoring will help them develop confidence in themselves as a learner. With full attention on the student and enthusiasm for the academic subjects, Mr. Casey encourages the reward of learning for its own sake, not just for the grade. Regardless of where a student is today, Bullpen Tutoring will help them get to where they want to be and develop abilities that will foster success in whatever they do in life.